Harikashi Nagar, Gondia CBSE Affiliation No. 1131055
Little Woods International School, Gondia has stepped into its Seventeen year with standard flying high. We are proud of the
various achievements and accolades of our pupils and the rapid upliftment of our institution in all spheres.
In our quest to achieve the best for our pupils, we plan our schedule in a unique manner organising many activities directed
to honing the young ones into fine individuals. It is our fervent endeavour to revolutionize our system of education. In turning a
new leaf, our children shall be on the forestage whereas the teachers shall take a back seat and guide from behind the
scenes. Our teachers have been trained to deal effectively with this altered methodology and to be absolutely up-to-date in this
regard and march a step ahead to see that they prepare the pupils to stand firmly on the global competitive platform and
come out with flying colours. Best compliments for the overall and holistic development bright future to our pupils and expecting the same enthusiastic co-operation from the parents of the wards.